Here are some easy Ab exercises that will help strengthen your core—the first place moms should focus their fitness efforts. When performing these ab workouts, start by taking a few breaths in each pose. As you build strength, try to increase the number of breaths you take. The whole routine should take only five to 10 minutes. You'll need: a yoga mat or towel.
Standing Balance
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and take a few breaths to center yourself. Bring your left knee toward your chest, holding it with your left hand. (Place right hand on a wall for balance if necessary.) Inhale to lengthen the sides of your body from your waist to armpits, and exhale to ground right foot. Take about three to five breaths here; with each exhalation, gently draw belly and pelvic floor up and in for more stability. Switch sides and repeat. As your balance improves, try taking your hand off the wall and placing it on your waist.
Downward-Facing Dog
Come to your hands and knees on mat, then walk your knees back a few inches until they're behind hips. Inhale, tuck toes and slowly exhale, straightening legs as you bring hips toward ceiling. Keep hands firmly rooted to the mat, especially fingertips. Remain here for three full breaths, come down, and sit back on heels to rest in child's pose or on hands and knees.
Boat Pose
Sit tall on your mat, legs extended and your hands at sides. Lift your feet off mat with your knees bent and your shins parallel to floor. Keeping your abdominals engaged, lean back slightly but stay as far forward on sitting bones as possible. Reach your fingers forward, keeping hands in line with shoulders. Breathe evenly, lengthening the sides of body as you balance on sit bones.
Bicycle Crunches
Lie on your back, with your hands clasped behind head. Lift your shoulders up and bring your left knee to chest, extend right leg out, and twist right elbow to left knee. Repeat on the other side. Keep alternating until you've done 8 to 10 on each side.
Plank Pose With Moving Arm
Get on your hands and knees. Straighten your legs so you're in a plank position resting on your toes. Hold the position for 2 sets of 30 seconds each. When you can do that easily, try raising one arm at a time, keeping hips level and torso in line. Alternate raising and lowering each hand 5 to 10 times each. For a challenge, have your toddler straddle your hips.
Scissor Lifts
Bring your legs straight up into the air so that they're at a 90-degree angle to your torso. Engage your ab muscles (especially your transverse ab muscle) and lower your right leg down so that it's just off the ground. Hold it there for a few seconds while keeping your pelvis stable, your tummy taut, and your back flat. Snap your right leg up, and repeat with your left leg. Try 10 reps on each leg.
Butterfly Abs
Lie on your back and place soles of feet together; relax knees out to the side. Place hands behind head, with elbows out. Tightening abs, lift chest and shoulders up, then release back down. Do 10 to 12 reps.