Saturday, November 10, 2012

10 Shoulder Exercises We Love

The shoulders are involved in nearly all your daily movements. You lift things, carry bags, drive cars, write on the computer and play sports. Your lifestyle might cause you to experience tight shoulders from too much sitting with your head forward. There are exercises you can do to strengthen your shoulders.

Lateral Raises
Stand straight with weights in your hands by your sides. Slowly raise the weights out from your body to a level parallel with your shoulders. Focus on leading with your pinkie, like you want to pour water from a bottle that you hold in your hand. Contract the shoulders at the top position for one second, then return slowly to the start position. Repeat 12 to 15 times.
Choose a weight with which the exercise starts feeling tough after eight repetitions. If you can do 15 repetitions easily, then the weight is too light and you should choose a heavier one. If you struggle by the fourth repetition and cannot do more than eight, then the weight is too heavy and you should switch to a lighter one. Use this rule for all the following exercise except the rotator cuff, where you want to use about 2/3 of the weight you use in the other exercises.

Front Raises
Stand straight with weights in your hands in front of you. You can also hold one heavier weight with both hands. Slowly raise the weights up to eye level. You need to contract your abdominals and lower back muscles to counter gravity. Do not move your upper body. Contract the shoulder muscles at the top position for one second, and resist gravity on the way down to the starting position. Repeat 12 to 15 times.

Bent-Over Raises
Bend over at the hips, keeping the natural arch in your lower back. Keep your knees slightly bent, and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold weights in your hands hanging loosely down. Start slowly raising the weights to the sides and slightly forward. Stop when your arms are parallel with the ground, and hold the top position for one second, then slowly return down. Repeat 12 to 15 times.

Overhead Press
Stand straight holding weights in your hands at the shoulder level with your elbows bent at the sides of your body. You can also hold a weight bar in front of your chest. Keep your core contracted and push the weights over your head until your arms are straight. Reverse the movement and resist gravity as you return to the starting position. Keep your elbows always on the sides. Repeat 12 to 15 times.

Rotating Overhead Press
Stand straight with weights in your hands in front of your chest, with palms facing toward you. Start pushing the weights over your head in a big circle, moving your elbows to the sides and opening the hands so they would face forward in the top position. Hold the top position for one second, and reverse the movement, resisting gravity. Repeat 12 to 15 times.

Standing Rotator Cuff
Use very light weights for this exercise, about 2/3 of the weight for the other exercises. Stand straight with your arms to the sides, parallel with the ground, with weights in your hands. Bend your elbows 90 degrees, so your forearms are vertical to the ground, palms facing forward. Keep 90 degrees in your shoulders and elbows at all times; the movement should come from your shoulders only. Rotate your upper arm forward, and slowly bring the weights down to the shoulder level. The elbows should not be moving; imagine that they are resting on a pedestal. Hold that position for one second, and reverse the movement to the starting position. Repeat 15 to 20 times.

Standing Lateral Rotator Cuff
Stand straight with a resistance band in your hands in front of the body. Bend your arms and put your elbows on your abdominals and keep them there during the entire exercise. Start pulling your hands with the band to the sides as far as possible, without moving your elbows. Hold that position for one second, and reverse the movement. Resist the band's resistance, and move slowly. Repeat 15 to 20 times.

Arm Circles
Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart. Keep your head above the shoulders and squeeze the shoulder blades together. Lift your arms to the sides, shoulder-level high. Keep your palms facing down and perform 20 circles forward. Make the circles about 6 inches in diameter. Then turn your hands palms up, and perform 20 circles backward. Squeeze your shoulder blades together in each circle.

Elbow Curls
Stand straight by a wall. Keep your feet hip-width apart and heels, hips, shoulders and head touching the wall. Curl your fingers into fists and put your knuckles on your temples. Open your elbows and let them touch the wall, then move them forward and touch them together in front of your face. Repeat slowly 50 times.

Static Shoulder Stabilizers
Get down your elbows and feet, keeping your body straight like a plank. You can also do this exercise on your hands in stead of elbows. Contract your abdominals and hold the position for one minute. Make sure that your hips never sink below the straight line from your shoulders to your feet. As you get stronger, hold the plank for two minutes.

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