Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Sexy Couple's Workout Just In Time For Valentine's Day

Shaping up with a sweetie will give your body and sex life a boost. Exercise gets your blood pumping and endorphins flowing, working as a natural aphrodisiac. You'll need an 8 - 15 pound medicine ball (or dumbbell) and two identical bands (of any resistance with or without handles). Perform two or three sets of 12 to 15 reps of each exercise.

Passion Pass Stand back-to-back with partner and lower into a squat with knees over ankles and weight on heels (maintain squat throughout). One person holds ball with both hands at chest level; the other person holds hands at chest, ready to receive ball. Twist right as partner twists left, passing or receiving ball (as shown). Switch directions and pass back or receive ball to complete one rep.

Cloud Nine Stand facing each other about 2 feet apart, feet hip-width apart, knees soft. Both lower into squat, arms at chest level, elbows bent, palms out. One person holds squat while the other jumps up and raises arms overhead (as shown). As soon as the jumper lands, the other person jumps up. Continue alternating jumping and squatting until both partners have jumped 15 times.

Taking the Lunge Stand back-to-back, about a foot apart. Hold one band in each hand; have partner take opposite ends. Extend arms out to sides at shoulder height, palms forward. Keeping arms raised, lunge forward on opposite legs (as shown). Maintaining lunge, bring hands together in front of chest and release. Return to standing and repeat on opposite leg for one rep.

Palm Pat Start side by side in push-up position. Lower chest toward ground. Push back to start. Then shift weight to outside arm, keeping it straight, as you turn chest to face partner, balancing on side of outside foot, legs stacked. Give partner a high five (as shown). Return to push-up position; repeat for one set. Switch places for second set.

Give and Take Stand back-to-back, about a foot apart. One person holds ball overhead while the other raises hands, ready to receive ball. Pass ball (as shown). Both bend forward, pass ball through legs and return to start for one rep.

Cupid Curls Hold one resistance band in each hand; have partner take opposite ends. Sit facing each other with bottoms of feet together, knees soft, back at a 45-degree angle with ground throughout. Turn palms up and, with elbows glued to sides, curl forearms toward chest (as shown). Return to start for one rep.

Love Seat One person sits on chair or bench. The other turns away from partner and squats in front, placing hands on partner's thighs, fingers forward. Standing partner walks feet away from body and lowers until triceps are parallel to ground (as shown). Return to start; repeat. Switch places after each set.

The One Stand 2 feet from partner, facing each other. Hold each other's wrists. Lift and extend opposite legs. Support one another and lower into one-legged squat (as shown). Return to start and repeat. Complete all reps on one leg; switch legs. Up for a third set? Switch legs halfway through.

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