Friday, March 8, 2013

Exercises Every Woman Should Do

1. Crossover lunge
In a standing position, place your hands on your hips and brace your abs. Step your right leg diagonally behind you, keeping all of your weight centered over your left heel. Return to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times on this leg before switching to the other side. Rest for one minute and repeat. The focus in this exercise is on the glutes (bottom).
2. Plyometric lunge
This will not only get your heart and lungs going, it's great for the butt and thighs. Kneel on your left knee with your right leg on a right angle in front of you. Place your hands on your hips and brace your abs. From this position, jump directly upwards and switch feet mid-air, landing softly and taking care not to allow your back knee to touch the floor. Continue to alternate legs until you have performed 10-15 repetitions. Rest for 1 minute and repeat.
3. Pullover
This exercise is great for strengthening and toning the lats (upper back) and obliques (waist). Lying on your back on the floor with your knees bent, ensure you keep your lower back and shoulder blades in contact with the floor throughout this exercise. Holding a dumbbell in both hands with arms straight above your chest. Slowly lower the dumbbell back with a slight bend in your elbow and return to the starting position over your chest. Repeat 10-15 times. Rest for 1 minute and repeat.
4. Tricep press
In a push-up position on the floor, position your hands beneath your shoulders and brace your shoulder blades downwards by pulling your shoulders away from your ears. Keep your abs braced and your elbows in tight to your sides as you bend your elbows and lower your chest towards the floor, then return to the starting position. This is a difficult movement which isolates the triceps (back of upper arms), so it's likely you will need to do this on your knees rather than your toes.
5. Side shoulder raise
This is a great exercise for shapely, toned shoulders and arms. In a standing or seated position, pick up a light dumbell in each hand and keep your abs braced. Brace your shoulder blades in a downward position by pulling your shoulders down away from your ears. To activate the right muscle, focus on lifting from your elbows rather than your hands. Raise your arms out to the side (with the back of your hand facing forward) until your elbow is at shoulder level and return to the starting position. Ensure you keep your shoulder blades braced to avoid activating the upper trapezius (thick neck muscle). If the dumbbells make the technique difficult to master, practise without weight until you perfect it. Complete 10-15 repetitions, rest for 1 minute and repeat.
6. Modified V-sits
Lying on the floor with your arms outstretched overhead, brace your abs and press your lower back into the floor throughout the entire set. Lift your legs and curl your upper body forward (think ribcage towards hip bones) as you form a V. Slowly reverse this movement until you are in the starting position, but don't release your ab brace until you have completed 10-15 repetitions. Rest for one minute and repeat.
7. Dish holds
Dish holds encourage great core endurance and strength. Lying on the floor on your back, pull your knees into your chest and curl your upper body forward to lift your shoulder blades off the floor, pressing your lower back hard into the floor. This is the basic dish hold. If this feels relatively easy, you can increase the intensity by opening out the position, as long as you are still able to keep your lower back pressed into the floor. Hold for at 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds and repeat 6 times. Remember to breathe!
8. Oblique dish holds
This exercise is brilliant for targeting the obliques (waist). Lying on your back with your arms outstretched above your head, assume a dish position by pressing your lower back into the floor and lifting your legs off the floor and curling your upper body forward. Tilt your body over to one side until your weight rests on the back of your hip. As you hold this position you will feel your upper oblique start to burn. Hold for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times on each side.
9. Side plank
Start in a push-up position on your toes and tilt yourself over to one side until you are supporting your weight on one hand positioned directly beneath your shoulder. Brace your body in a straight line avoiding sagging through the middle. To increase intensity, you can lift your free arm in the air with fingers outstretched towards the ceiling. To spice it up a bit more, you can also lift your upper leg. As each challenge is added, the intensity increases, so ensure you can hold the basic plank before mixing it up. Work your way up to holding this position for 60 seconds. Release and repeat on the opposite side.
10. Plank walk
The plank walk focuses on your core. Start in a push up position with your abs braced tightly and your hips level with your shoulders. Walk your hands forward as far as you can (without causing strain on your back) and then walk your feet towards your hands until you form a pike position with your hips above your shoulders. Continue this walk 3 times forward and 3 times backward.

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